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Festival of the North in Murmansk
Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
From the history of the North Festival. The first Sports Festival of the North was held in Murmansk in 1934.
Only 86 participants took part in it. Later the Festival has become very popular not only in our country but also with foreign countries and sportsmen. Nowadays hundreds of sportsmen from different countries come to Murmansk to take part in it. The Festival takes place at the end of March as a rule. It has become a tradition in our city and attracts a lot of athletes and tourist. About more than 2 000 people take part in it.
From the history of the North Festival. The Sport Festival is held in the Valley of Comfort. There is a 30km ski-track, which is illuminated in dark winter time, a ski-jump, a shooting ground for biathlon, a press- centre. Alongside with the traditional kinds of sport there are national saami sports such as reindeer races, towing of a skier by a reindeer and others.
From the history of the North Festival. Thousands of fans watch competitions in ski- racing, biathlon, ski-relay, in ski-marathon. But the most spectacular event is reindeer-racing. It is a national sport of the native population of the Kola Peninsula. The Lapps from our region as well as from Finland and Norway come together with their reindeer and sleighs, which are specially decorated for occasion.