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Lyceum №1 of Berezniki, Perm krai

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»

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Lyceum № 1 is an elite establishment of ordinary education for senior pupils where learning is carried on in three profiles: natural-mathematical, human and economic. Studying programmes are orientating to get higher education forming skills of self and research work.

Lyceum № 1 was founded in 1996.

It is a four-storey building in the heart of the city of Berezniki in a positive socio-cultural environment. In the area next to lyceum there are establishments of additional education, culture and sport. The Lyceum uses these opportunities n the organization of the educational process.

Lyceum is equipped with modern technology, which increases the level of education. More than once he was leading educational institution of the city. The students of the Lyceum take prizes at the municipal, regional and all-Russian Olympiads annually. Lyceum gives high guarantee admission to university and it confirms by excellent results every year.

Березники, город (Пермский край)

Лицей №1 города Березники Пермского края

организаторы проекта
Компания ТрансТелеКом
Корпорация Intel
PH International