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Training project Keeping Fit/The research of the analysts

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The research of the analysts

The subject of the research:

The influence of hobbies on health.

The question for the research:

How do hobbies influence our health?

The supposition:

You can improve your health by engaging in a hobby that you love. Hobbies stimulate the body and mind and many people who engage in hobbies have a healthier more satisfying life.

Hobbies reduce stress levels and provide a sense of accomplishment. They can help pass the time without realizing it because you enjoy what you are doing. They also promote socialization because when most people enjoy doing things they want to share the experience with other people. Hobbies can help you connect with other people who share the same passion as you. Hobbies can also help combat depression because they stimulate the mind and provide a sense of enjoyment.

It is important to know your limits when trying out a new hobby and to be careful. New hobbies take time to understand the benefits. You will be become more engaged over time and turn it into a passion. You will also meet other people who enjoy the same hobby.

There are many different hobbies that you may not think you would enjoy until you try them. Examples are gardening, hiking, photography, ballroom dancing, bird watching, scrapbooking, painting, and crafting.

The aims of the research:

  • to regard the process of involving in hobbies;
  • to study the levels of hobby;
  • to learn some kinds of hobbies to choose the most suitable one;
  • to find out the reasons of starting a hobby.

The results of the research:

It’s clear hobbies can engage you physically and mentally. People who have a hobby are generally healthier. We also know they are at a lower risk for depression and dementia. We’ve learnt that the great value of hobbies is they're a way for people to stay engaged on multiple levels. Most hobbies involve at least some level of mental activity. Because we enjoy most things more when we share them, hobbies offer a reason to stay connected to other people with similar interests.

What kind of hobby is best? As it’s found out hobbies that require expertise are more satisfying. That's because developing an expertise in something like photography or astronomy requires commitment, and commitment results in a higher level of engagement. Of course, hobbies that involve physical fitness, such as walking, provide a physical benefit as well. Hobbies help by reducing stress and providing a sense of accomplishment.

We’ve also learnt that hobbies can be thought of on three levels. The first is as a diversion. Hobbies help us pass the time. The second is as a passion. When a hobby becomes a passion, we become truly engaged in doing something we love. It not only helps us pass time, it makes us unaware that time is passing. The third level is as something that creates a sense of purpose. We all need that. The ideal hobby combines all three levels.

The conclusion:

Hobbies offer more than just fun since activities for your body and mind are good for your health. How you fill your free time is up to you, and you just have to supply the interest and time to reap the benefits. During this month, why not spend some time making yourself happy, by starting or continuing a hobby that you enjoy? Here are a few ideas to get started:

  • Any physically active leisure pursuit is going to have positive health benefits.
  • If time alone is what you need most, going for a bike ride or a swim or a walk are great ways of making a temporary escape.
  • If solitude is the last thing you need you can find something you can do with others—a walking club, a tennis club, a class at the gym.
  • Staying mentally active may actually help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
  • Doing anything stimulating—playing cards or board games, doing crossword puzzles, reading or going to the museum or art gallery may minimize age-related memory loss.
  • We need the support of, and connection to, other people to maintain good health.
  • Having social support and feeling included can influence whether we are healthy or not.
  • Hobbies can help us feel connected.
  • Hobbies can help make the transition from working life to retirement smooth and enjoyable.
  • Thinking ahead, having different interests and being engaged with others are two important ways to age successfully.

If you're just starting a hobby, remember that it takes time to realize the benefits. You don't start exercising one day and feel great the next. The same is true of a hobby. If you work at it regularly, you become more engaged. Over time, you find yourself getting more and more involved. If you stay with it, and make an effort to meet others who do the same thing, you'll eventually develop a passion for it.

If you're looking for a hobby, here are a few suggestions:

  • Bird-watching - Bird-watchers get excited when they tell each other what they've seen, whether at their backyard feeders or on their vacations. Local groups often have outings to catch sight of rare birds during migration. Check the nature programs at your local parks for classes on birds.
  • Scrapbooking - This fun hobby results in a historical record of what's important to you and your family. Ask your local librarian to help you find articles about getting started. Sometimes, libraries and museums offer classes in how to preserve important memories.
  • Calligraphy - If you've always been proud of your handwriting, you might consider calligraphy, the art of exquisite lettering. Check to see if your local craft store offers classes.

And there are some more activities to consider:

  • coin and stamp collecting;
  • genealogy;
  • photography;
  • gardening;
  • embroidery;
  • song writing;
  • sculpting;
  • ceramics;
  • writing poetry;
  • acting;
  • woodworking.

Remember…you can have more than one hobby!

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