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Volgodonskaya siesta

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Команда "Volgodonskaya siesta" Участники проекта "Приглашаем всех на праздник"

Преподаватель-руководитель: Шуба Людмила Владимировна,Машинская Наталья Петровна.

Мы, ученики 8 и 6 класса школы "Шанс" города Волгодонска Ростовской области,увлекающиеся компьютерами и английским языком.

Никита Бондарь, Вероника Щербакова, Маша Евсеева, Влад Орехов.

Our school is situated in Volgodonsk.The creation of the city is due to the construction of the Volga-Don Ship Canal, which connected two great Russian rivers - the Volga and the Don.The history of the city started in the 50s.Though a young city,Volgodonsk has its own face with new and old traditions. We are the students of school "Chance".Our school is a young one, but it has its own traditions: weekly assemblies,Initiation Day of new puplis, annual concert.We have the symbol of our school - a wise owl and our school anthem.Our school specializes in extracurricular work.We are members of different sports clubs, a choir, an arts club.

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